duminică, 14 aprilie 2013

Nu doar actualii, ci şi foştii elevi ne fac cinste. Ioana Barbu

Ioana-Sorina Barbu

phd student INRIA RENNES participanta la Forum on recent developments in Volume Reconstruction techniques applied to 3D fluid and solid mechanics 2011 [FVR 2011].

FVR 2011 held from November 29th to December First, 2011 in the CNAM-IFMI lecture hall (rue Gustave Eiffel Futuroscope Chasseneuil, France).

FVR focuses on all aspects of 3D experimental measurement and are devoted to advanced developments in volume reconstruction and volume analysis including: structure, density, displacement, velocity and interface studies. This forum gives researchers an opportunity to interact on different fields of interest (fluids and solids, heterogeneous materials, aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, technical developments,...)

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